Thursday, June 7, 2012

Misconception about HIV/AIDS

Our Goals:
  1. Infection with HIV/AIDS is urgent medical problems worldwide with broad social, cultural, economical, political, ethical and legal implications. Prevention is the most important objective. In the absence of a vaccine - or an effective chemotherapeutic agent, only weapon available for combating this dreadful infection is prevention by community awareness and health education.
  2. Health personnel have the dual responsibility of providing care and counseling to people with HIV/AIDS and educate individuals and community about the facts related to HIV/AIDS. They must take appropriate precautions to prevent the spread of the infection in other patients and among themselves; act as a role model for their community by providing compassionate and respectful care; and educate individuals and groups about HIV/AIDS.
  3. Assessment of people knowledge before and after explanation of the disease and tell them to increase awareness in our community.

Work up:
  1. Target people we are used in our study are patients, relatives, nurses, housekeeper and porter in KAUH.
  2. Total sample size was 132 and the individuals were interviewed personally using a predesigned questionnaire. So, we did an Arabic and English questionnaire which comprised of questions on different aspects of AIDS like etiology, modes of transmission, is it curable disease or not and present of vaccination or not.

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