Thursday, June 7, 2012

Disposal of Unused Drugs

The Risks of Improper Disposal of Drugs:
  • Drugs that are thrown into the garbage, or flushed down the sink or toilet, their chemical components may be added to the water supply or soil.
  • This is becoming an important national and international issue.
  • Although the concentration levels of these products in the environment may be very low, they may be enough to have adverse effects on the environment and, indirectly, on human health.
  • Our particular concern are the potential adverse effects of cumulative, long-term exposure to trace amounts and mixtures of pharmaceuticals on vulnerable populations, including pregnant women, newborns, and children.

  • Impact of unsafe disposal of drugs on the publc.
  • Impact of unsafe disposal of drugs on the environment
  • Why people have unused drugs and how they dispose of it
  • Common ways of safe disposal of drugs
  • Local take-back programs
  • Reducing the Need for Drug Disposal
  • Instructions to the patient
  • How to Dispose of Used Needles and Syringes at Home
  • Our message to Doctors, Pharmacist, Drugs Companies and Hospitals 

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