Thursday, June 7, 2012


What is DNR?

Do not resuscitate End of life decision states that CPR, intubation, pounding, defibrillation, should not be initiated if a patient is found in cardiac arrest.

During the month of April 2011.

Total number is 29 female and male DNR patients.

Our Recommendations to Improve the DNR Policy in our Hospital:

1- Establishing a DNR committee that :
  • evaluates DNR requests addressed by consultants.
  • review and re-evaluate the patients.
  • Provide patient education once DNR is considered.
2- Ensuring every patient that is properly labeled for DNR, whether by signs or by using a specially colored bracelet.

3- Replacing the word (DNR) with (AND) "Allow Natural Death“.

4- A strict list of when to use DNRs must be added to the medical curriculum, or even a series of scenarios to base off the students sense of clinical judgment.

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