Thursday, June 7, 2012

Health literacy in patient safety

Health literacy is a common serious safety concern. A study of 2,600 patients at two hospitals determined that between 26-60% of patients could not understand medication directions, a standard informed consent, or basic health care materials.

This mismatch between a clinician's level of communication and a patient's ability to understand can lead to medication errors and adverse outcomes.

The Institute of Medicine (2004) report found low health literacy levels negatively affects healthcare outcomes.In particular, these patients have a higher risk of hospitalization and longer hospital stays, are less likely to comply with treatment, are more likely to make errors with medication, and are more ill when they seek medical care.

Therefore, we decided to focus on health literacy as an aspect of patient safety, and built our project around that pillar.

For the sake of innovation, simplicity, and setting achievable goals, we chose to pave the road to a series of radio advertisements promoting health related awareness.

Health literacy in patient safety

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