Saturday, June 9, 2012

صَحصِح معانا

بدأ العمل على المشروع باجتماع الفريق كاملًا وكان هدف الاجتماع تحديد ماهية المشروع، وتم ذلك عن طريق الآتي
١- اختيار الفئة الموجه إليها المشروع (إما العاملون في المجال الصحي، الطلاب أو المرضى) ووقع الاختيار على المرضى.
٢- تحديد الهدف من المشروع، أو الرسالة التي نود ايصالها للمرضى من خلال مشروعنا. وكان الهدف: توعية المرضى بنقاط مهمة تضمن حصولهم على رعاية صحية آمنة.
٣- تحديد وسيلة مناسبة لتقديم تلك الرسالة بأبسط صورة ممكن ان تصل إلى مختلف الفئات العمرية من المرضى, وتم الاتفاق على مقاطع فيديو توعوية قصيرة يمكن استخدامها كفواصل إعلانية في البرامج اليوتيوبية.

طُرحت الأفكار تباعًا وكان التصويت فاصلًا لاختيار الفكرة التي سيتم تنفيذها وتم تحديد ماهية العمل وتم توزيع المهام

وكانت المهمة التالية هي البحث عن رسائل محددة متعلقة بسلامة المرضى.
اذ تم اختيار ٢٠ نقطة متعلقة بسلامة المرضى وجمعها في استبيان وفتحها للتصويت من قبل أعضاء المجموعة ومختلف العاملين في المجال الصحي لاختيار ٥ أو ٦ نقاط لتنفيذها.

وتم اختيار تقنية "stop motion" لعمل مقاطع الفيديو

تم إنشاء موقع الكتروني لعرض المقاطع، إضافة إلى تقديم وسائل تساعد المرضى على الالتزام بالنقاط المطروحة وهي كالتالي

١- إنشاء نموذج للتاريخ المرضي يمكن للمريض استخدامه لكتابة تاريخه المرضي بسهولة حيث تم وضع أبرز النقاط التي يحتاج الطبيب لمعرفتها.
٢- إنشاء نموذج للأدوية التي يتناولها المريض مع ادراج خانه لجرعة وسبب وطريقة تناول الدواء وغيرها من الأمور الهامة..

Inpatient satisfaction with nursing services

  • To asses the level of inpatient satisfaction with nursing care in the various ward of the hospital .
  •   To asses the socio-demographic state in addition to the effects of duration of hospitals stay and type of the word on the level of satisfaction.

WHY we choice these subject ?

Because it is imperative for hospital manager and administrator to identify patient’ perception and expectation of the quality of care , from time to time and to asses to which this ideal are met by their institution.

Materials and method :

The study was conducted at King Abdulaziz University hospital (KAUH) , Jeddah , during 14th April to 2nd may 2012 on all admission patient in six ward (male and female medical , male and female surgical , pediatric 1&2 and obstetric and gynecology ). 
A simple random sample of 200 patients was selected from the different wards.

Our Recommendation to improve the nurse serves :
  1. Provide a suggestion box  
  2. Train your nurses at the start of employment , to learn them how they can deal with our patient’s culture . 
  3. Not everyone has the appropriate personality type for the same kind of job. Some nurses have a tendency to treat older adults as if they are children or babies, even if they mean well. So this can help to know the appropriate department for them . 
  4. Provide regular meetings and workshops for your nurse to be aware of the problems that face them . 

Public Awareness to Adult immunizations

Project’s objectives:

1.Increase awareness about adult immunization.
2.Improve Saudi public heath
3.Activate primary health care role in preventive medicine.

Patient safety in islam

The goal of our project:

To prove that the patient safety is started from the past & it is derived from the Holly Qur'an and alsunnah.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Safety when using Home Oxygen Therapy

The use of home oxygen therapy is essential in the treatment of many patients. However, it is associated with a high risk of causing fire.

—Oxygen itself is not combustible, but could accelerate a flame and keep it burning.

Our Aim:

Our aim is to educate patients regarding the safe use of home oxygen therapy with the assistance of the home health care department.


What is DNR?

Do not resuscitate End of life decision states that CPR, intubation, pounding, defibrillation, should not be initiated if a patient is found in cardiac arrest.

During the month of April 2011.

Total number is 29 female and male DNR patients.

Our Recommendations to Improve the DNR Policy in our Hospital:

1- Establishing a DNR committee that :
  • evaluates DNR requests addressed by consultants.
  • review and re-evaluate the patients.
  • Provide patient education once DNR is considered.
2- Ensuring every patient that is properly labeled for DNR, whether by signs or by using a specially colored bracelet.

3- Replacing the word (DNR) with (AND) "Allow Natural Death“.

4- A strict list of when to use DNRs must be added to the medical curriculum, or even a series of scenarios to base off the students sense of clinical judgment.

Contact Isolation protocols

Contact Isolation protocols application in KAUH

The aim:

Is to study the compliance with the CDC contact isolation protocols and precautions( from medical staff and patients and their visitors) and to ensure patients understanding of the reason and importance of fallowing these protocols and precautions to reach a better understanding of the problem in patient care and to try to find a solution related to patient care.


  1. 10 isolated patients were targeted from different area in the hospital.
  2. Distributed questionnaires directed to medical staff and patients to test their base line knowledge on contact isolation( 10 patients , 10 nurses and 10 interns)
  3. educational brochures were designed and distributed to patients and their visitors. And 1:1 education session for 20 min.
  4. Post education survey were distributed one day after the session
  5.  Educational video.

Patients and Students Satisfaction Toward The Guiding System of KAUH

Our Idea:

To improve and document the patients and students satisfaction toward the guiding system inside KAUH, while their visits to the clinics and other hospital departments.

Our goals:

  1. To relieve the patients from extra physical burdens & time wasting while they’re accomplishing their clinical orders
  2. To facilitate the trip inside the hospital for the new pts
  3. To providing a better humanitarian service for all pts
  4. To help students reach different hospital departments.

Handover and Patient Safety

As patients move from caregiver to caregiver and provider to provider, it’s critical that information about their treatment goes with them. That doesn’t always happen, though.

The nature of handoffs is prone to errors

communication breakdowns are a leading cause of medical errors

Breakdowns in communication among care teams during patient transitions were shown to be the root cause of more than 80 percent of serious medical errors, according to a report by The Joint Commission in 2010.


It's an interactive communication allowing the opportunity for questions between the giver and receiver of patient information.

This will include the accurate information about the patient’s care, treatment and services, current condition, and any recent or anticipated changes.


Epilepsy safety awareness

Up to 3% of the global population have epilepsy many of these people don’t even know it!!!

  • If you know 50 people 1-2 of them have epilepsy
  • If you know 100 people 3-4 of them have epilepsy
  • How many people do you work with?
  • Go to school with?
  • Have in your family?

Looking in all the wards ,malls and schools we noticed the lack of posters about epilepsy safety beside all the other safety posters so we decided to spread the word on epilepsy safety in our community.

Disposal of Unused Drugs

The Risks of Improper Disposal of Drugs:
  • Drugs that are thrown into the garbage, or flushed down the sink or toilet, their chemical components may be added to the water supply or soil.
  • This is becoming an important national and international issue.
  • Although the concentration levels of these products in the environment may be very low, they may be enough to have adverse effects on the environment and, indirectly, on human health.
  • Our particular concern are the potential adverse effects of cumulative, long-term exposure to trace amounts and mixtures of pharmaceuticals on vulnerable populations, including pregnant women, newborns, and children.

  • Impact of unsafe disposal of drugs on the publc.
  • Impact of unsafe disposal of drugs on the environment
  • Why people have unused drugs and how they dispose of it
  • Common ways of safe disposal of drugs
  • Local take-back programs
  • Reducing the Need for Drug Disposal
  • Instructions to the patient
  • How to Dispose of Used Needles and Syringes at Home
  • Our message to Doctors, Pharmacist, Drugs Companies and Hospitals 

Health literacy in patient safety

Health literacy is a common serious safety concern. A study of 2,600 patients at two hospitals determined that between 26-60% of patients could not understand medication directions, a standard informed consent, or basic health care materials.

This mismatch between a clinician's level of communication and a patient's ability to understand can lead to medication errors and adverse outcomes.

The Institute of Medicine (2004) report found low health literacy levels negatively affects healthcare outcomes.In particular, these patients have a higher risk of hospitalization and longer hospital stays, are less likely to comply with treatment, are more likely to make errors with medication, and are more ill when they seek medical care.

Therefore, we decided to focus on health literacy as an aspect of patient safety, and built our project around that pillar.

For the sake of innovation, simplicity, and setting achievable goals, we chose to pave the road to a series of radio advertisements promoting health related awareness.

Health literacy in patient safety

Misconception about HIV/AIDS

Our Goals:
  1. Infection with HIV/AIDS is urgent medical problems worldwide with broad social, cultural, economical, political, ethical and legal implications. Prevention is the most important objective. In the absence of a vaccine - or an effective chemotherapeutic agent, only weapon available for combating this dreadful infection is prevention by community awareness and health education.
  2. Health personnel have the dual responsibility of providing care and counseling to people with HIV/AIDS and educate individuals and community about the facts related to HIV/AIDS. They must take appropriate precautions to prevent the spread of the infection in other patients and among themselves; act as a role model for their community by providing compassionate and respectful care; and educate individuals and groups about HIV/AIDS.
  3. Assessment of people knowledge before and after explanation of the disease and tell them to increase awareness in our community.

Work up:
  1. Target people we are used in our study are patients, relatives, nurses, housekeeper and porter in KAUH.
  2. Total sample size was 132 and the individuals were interviewed personally using a predesigned questionnaire. So, we did an Arabic and English questionnaire which comprised of questions on different aspects of AIDS like etiology, modes of transmission, is it curable disease or not and present of vaccination or not.

Code Red

-          Hospitals are target hazards posing a considerable risk to occupants.
-          A facility with a trained staff to extinguish small fires or limit fire spread is well worth the effort.
-          In our project we conducted a simple survey with cooperation of safety department to assess the level of fire safety and compare our hospital with worldwide accreditation systems.
Hopping that we will be a reference for KSA hospitals.

Patient Safety Module 2012

This course aimed to introduce you to the concepts,
philosophy and practicality of patient safety. The patient safety course is a multidisciplinary course building a collaborative relationship between the students, patients, caregivers, and other health care providers.

The Project Objectives:

  • Organize a teamwork approach to facilitate one project product.
  • Recognize the importance of health care providers in raising patient safety awareness.
  • Relate their experience as patient’s advocates to a message for health care providers,
  • patients or patient’s family.
  • Produce and organize a simple brochure/flyer or video clip in Arabic or English that
  • Compete for best project of the module

Coordinator: Dr. Abeer Arab