Saturday, June 9, 2012

Inpatient satisfaction with nursing services

  • To asses the level of inpatient satisfaction with nursing care in the various ward of the hospital .
  •   To asses the socio-demographic state in addition to the effects of duration of hospitals stay and type of the word on the level of satisfaction.

WHY we choice these subject ?

Because it is imperative for hospital manager and administrator to identify patient’ perception and expectation of the quality of care , from time to time and to asses to which this ideal are met by their institution.

Materials and method :

The study was conducted at King Abdulaziz University hospital (KAUH) , Jeddah , during 14th April to 2nd may 2012 on all admission patient in six ward (male and female medical , male and female surgical , pediatric 1&2 and obstetric and gynecology ). 
A simple random sample of 200 patients was selected from the different wards.

Our Recommendation to improve the nurse serves :
  1. Provide a suggestion box  
  2. Train your nurses at the start of employment , to learn them how they can deal with our patient’s culture . 
  3. Not everyone has the appropriate personality type for the same kind of job. Some nurses have a tendency to treat older adults as if they are children or babies, even if they mean well. So this can help to know the appropriate department for them . 
  4. Provide regular meetings and workshops for your nurse to be aware of the problems that face them . 

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